Why 333?

Divinely aligned with our mission to serve, support and inspire through beauty, the numbers "333" in Fleur 333 represent a spiritual elixir developed by author and Life Coach M.J. Rolek to activate vibrational harmony and live as a "divine force of Nature" grounded and centered in a chaotic, challenging world. 

3Gs + 3Vs + 3Cs = Vibrational Harmony
3Gs - grounded, grateful, gorgeous. 
3Vs - vision, voice, vibes. TRUST YOURS! 
3Cs - clarity, compassion, courage. 

Our founder Melissa Scanlon has been Rolek's dedicated student for a few years and under her guidance has personally experienced the transformative power (alchemization) of Rolek's work. 

All of our bold beauty potions are inspired by Melissa's inner journey and her experiences as she’s learning (over and over and over again) to truly love herself unconditionally. Her journey continues every day, moment by moment and there is no end point. Bold beauty is not something to be attained, it is something you become when you set the intention to be mindful and willing to blossom and show up every day to water the seed of enlightenment inside of you.

Three's a Charm  

The number three has many other sacred and symbolic meanings. Doreen Virtue shares, "the number 3 refers to the Trinity, and means that you are receiving divine protection, help, and guidance." It represents the mind-body-spirit connection. In the Wizard of Oz Dorothy clicks her heals three times. In Ayurveda there are three doshas - kapha, pitta + vata. Three is a powerful manifestation number. There are many tripartite examples; birth, life + death / beginning, middle + end / past, present + future / heaven, earth + underworld. A genie grants three wishes. The symbol of three is the triangle, which is used to represent, "as above, so below."

“We are made of starstuff.” 
― Carl Sagan, Cosmos


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